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Geneva Financial Welcomes New Training Manager Jenna Johnson to Geneva Corporate – Home Loans Powered by Humans®.
Jenna Johnson, Geneva Financial Corporate Training Manager, Chandler, AZ

Geneva Financial Welcomes New Training Manager Jenna Johnson to Geneva Corporate

Jenna Johnson is the newest addition to our corporate office here in Chandler, AZ! Jenna will help continue the outstanding service and human touch that Geneva Financial strives for!

Learn more about Jenna:

Jenna has been brought on to help educate and advance the proud employees of Geneva. With over 25 years of experience in the industry, Jenna started as a receptionist before moving on to other positions such as a Loan Officer Assistant, Processor, and Underwriter, culminating in her hiring as training manager. With a genuine love of learning, Jenna aims to tailor lessons for each person’s individual learning style and loves to see the “Aha” moment when a lesson clicks for the learner.

Understanding how complex and confusing the mortgage industry can be, Jenna aims to create a robust training suite consisting of tools and resources that will prevent anyone from ever feeling lost.

Joining the industry straight out of high school, Jenna is currently working towards her degree in Organizational Leadership. With the everchanging times she felt it was necessary to earn a degree in higher education, something she always wanted to accomplish!

As a native of Walnut Creek, California, you will often see Jenna at Disneyland, enjoying the day with her daughter. A homebody, Jenna also loves to cook, read, create bath and body products, tending to her houseplants, or rocking out to heavy metal! She is passionate about animal welfare, foster children, and accepting and loving the diversity of everyone, saying, “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.”


About Geneva Financial

Founded in 2007 by Aaron VanTrojen, Geneva Financial (NMLS 42056) is a direct mortgage lender headquartered in Chandler, Arizona with more than 130 branch locations nationwide. Our mission at Geneva Financial is to approach every aspect of our business from the “inside-out”. With a culture-forward mindset, we focus on our loan originators and support staff first in order to ensure an unbeatable experience for our customers.

Our Core Values were created as a daily reminder to operate with the inside-out approach in mind. Core Value #1 is the backbone of all our Core Values, our mission, and our brand vision: Home Loans Powered by Humans®. Geneva Financial offers Home PurchaseConventionalFHAVAUSDARefinanceReverseJumbo, and Condo Financing as well as Down Payment Assistance ProgramsLow CreditFirst-Time Homebuyer ProgramsPhysician LoansRenovation Loans and Hero Loans for First Responders, Police, Firefighters, Nurses, and Teachers. Learn more about Geneva Financial Mortgage Home Loans at

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